COPYRIGHT law provides protection for the expression of original ideas fixed in a tangible form, such as creative works like photographs, paintings, poems, and stories. This protection ensures that creators retain control over their intellectual property and its usage.

TRADEMARK law safeguards words, symbols, designs, or logos that identify the source of goods or services. This legal protection helps businesses develop and preserve their unique brand identities within the market.

PUBLICITY RIGHTS protect an individual’s name, image, and likeness from being used for commercial purposes without their explicit consent, ensuring individuals maintain control over their personal identity in public spaces.

If you believe that your content has been used without permission and your rights have been infringed, please report the issue to us at [email protected]. To help us resolve your concern efficiently, please include the following information in your Notice and Takedown Report:

  • A link to the content that is infringing your rights.
  • Proof of ownership, such as a link to your website or relevant documentation.
  • Your full name and contact phone number.

Please use the subject line: TAKEDOWN REPORT when submitting your report.

For any such reports, please contact us at [email protected]. We take these matters seriously and are committed to reviewing your claim promptly and thoroughly.